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Do you feel called to something greater but don’t know where to start?

Join us for a transformative 2-hour experiential masterclass where you’ll journey to uncover your true potential and pave the way to your heart’s desire
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Have you ever felt a yearning for something more, a pull toward a life that truly resonates with you deepest desires? This master class is for purpose-driven leaders, achievers, and impact-makers who feel their dreams calling to them.

If you’ve felt called to something greater but,

  • You don’t know where to start because the idea is murky. The glimpses you get are exciting…for a while, but then life takes over and you’re back in the old rut of routine.
  • You believe it’s too late or you’re under-prepared to get started on your dream now. Your doubt seeps in, leaving you feeling like there’s too much to learn and you push your dream aside again.
  • Your progress has been inconsistent and it’s frustrating. You keep trying to carve out time to work on your dream and actually “do something for yourself” but other things come up and you feel like you need to deal with them first and your dream takes a backseat again.

Well, there’s an answer…


“UNSTUCK – Unlocking An Inspired Path and Plan to Your Heart’s Desire”

Join us for a transformative 2-hour experiential masterclass where you’ll journey to uncover your true potential and pave the way to your heart’s desire. This isn’t just another webinar, it’s an opportunity to connect with your innermost self and create a clear, actionable plan for your future. Listen, this is not a magic pill but it is a powerful starting place and within your ability to make happen.
community garden


Take a peek at this story about Khyla and her move from work that left her feeling…meh to inspired action and impact.

Khyla had felt called to greater service and impact for a long time but could not really move forward because it wasn’t clear “what” she would move on to? She was a trained project manager, doing good work with people she liked, but the work left her feeling…meh. There was no fire. She was also the main person called on by her family to mediate, address, resolve the family drama… and there seemed to always be some drama. Between her dedication to her work and family, and because she couldn’t see her “what” clearly or with confidence, she kept doing what she had been doing – going through the motions. What she didn’t know at the time, is that for purpose driven-people, clarity doesn’t start with “What”, it must begin the exploration with “You”.

As I do with everyone, we started Khyla’s Unstuck program with an exploration of her soul mission via her Dreamer Archetype – how she carries progression toward her dreams. She discovered that her archetype is the Dutiful Dreamer – someone motivated by a strong sense of responsibility towards others – which allowed us to identify her key motivations, challenges and actions for greater personal alignment. In the end she clarified her mission which is to work with underserved communities by addressing food inequities. She was inspired to begin her path by exploring urban gardens. She is now working on a nutritionally dense organic food product that she hopes to make available to underserved communities (and beyond) in the near future.

In UNSTUCK: A Path and Plan to Your Heart’s Desire you will:

  • Jumpstart your Heart’s Desire when you discover your Dreamer Archetype – this fun and revealing exercise will highlight your primary motivations, challenges and actions you can take for greater personal alignment. There are four possible archetypes. Which one are you?
  • Shed unnecessary doubt with Quantum ClarityTM – this exercise will help you to discern if you’re on the right track because what you think you want, may or may not be what you really want.
  • Devise your Personal Trust PlanTM – a 14-day personal accountability plan to help you listen to the voice of your soul, build self-trust and experience well-deserved success by taking inspired action for yourself.
  • Get to participate in a private Facebook created just for this growing community of people committed to creating their heart’s desire. Find community, accountability and support all in one place. You can ask questions, post accomplishments and more. I will moderate your questions regularly.

Why This Master Class Is Different

This isn’t just another course or motivational talk where the presenter is talking at you on a surface level. No, “UNSTUCK” is an immersive, hands-on experience designed to bring about real change. You’ll start unraveling the mystery of your calling from the right place, You. You’ll be guided by me, an experienced lifestyle coach, entrepreneur and former consumer packaged goods marketing executive who understands the unique challenges facing women and purpose-driven individuals.

✔ Imagine waking up every day feeling inspired and aligned with your true purpose.

✔ Imagine having a clear path that feels good – without resistance or major doubt.

✔ Imagine having a plan that moves you forward, consistently with greater ease.

✔ Imagine being able to do good and do well.

Ready to get UNSTUCK and start living your heart’s desire?


You Choose What You Pay

The program is priced at $247, but I know that everyone may not be in a position to cover that right now and because my mission is to share the knowledge and guide as many people as possible onto their path and their fullest expression,
I’m offering 3 pricing options.
It’s the same program at each price point. Pay what you can.

If you have any questions or need further information, don’t hesitate to reach out to
I’m here to support you every step of the way.


Who should take this course and work with Karyn?

“…Karyn has a gift… Anybody who feels like they’re ready to go through some level of growth, who’s like trying to get past a certain block…anybody who has had some level of frustration, of feeling like there’s some growth that they wanna do and they can’t necessarily get through it on their own. Karyn is the one.”

Christyn F

Chief Solutionist, Project Forward


Pam K
“…Karyn brings a great deal of insight and legitimacy regarding how to approach problems… not only in how she presents her insight but also the exercises that she takes us through, and the examples that she gives but also because she’s going through it on her own. She’s also incredibly insightful and intuitive and a great listener and great at giving.”

Pam K

Managing Partner, CrackerJax Entertainment

“…Even though I am an established public relations professional, I realized that there were untapped areas of my personal creativity that were really important to me. I no longer wanted to resist. I wanted to implement that into my current company.”

Vanessa A

CEO, Agency Abron



Q: What if I can’t attend the live session?
A: No worries, you will have lifetime access to the recording. This will be the only time that the course is taught live. Going forward the course will be self-paced.
Q: What if I have questions after the master class?
A: I’ve created a private Facebook group so that you can ask questions, find community and accountability partners. You’ll gain access once you join the course.
Q: How do I know if this is the right course for me?
A: You were drawn to this opportunity for a reason. Something spoke to you. Take a deep breath, exhale and ask yourself is this the next step for me? If you feel a little nervous or excited that’s a good sign. Then ask yourself, “what is the down side? Then consider the upside.
Q: Are there payment plan options?
A: Affirm and Klarna payment plan options are both available at check out if you decide you’d like to spread your payments out.
Karyn with Signature

I’m looking forward to working with you!

Sign Up to Get Karyn’s free eBook, “The Invitation

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