Our Greatest Challenge is Not Fear…

You gotta love the Universe to bring things home…Shortly after I wrote notes for this post, Elie Wiesel’s quote “the opposite of love is not hatred, but indifference” popped up in a blog I was reading. I was floored. His reflection is brilliant. Of course! The greatest absence of life and love is the grey world of indifference – a lack of caring or emotion in either direction.
Fear will generally get you into action – forward motion of some sort. Indifference is akin to complacency – where you just don’t care enough to do something or change something. We can unwittingly find ourselves in that place when we ignore our urgings, our callings, our ah-ha’s…
This is a dangerous place because when we finally look up, it seems like time has evaporated and we wonder “how we got here so quickly?” And a longing, possibly regret, develops for something more then we reminesce about how it used to be – seeking good feels from our history.
What if the best times of your life were ahead of you? Are you willing to imagine that the rest of your life could not only be good enough, but great?
What if your Second Wind brought a life renaissance to you? What if your next stage was extraordinary?
Leaning into an extraordinary Second Wind starts by clearing confusion, doubt and programming that is not part of your original source code (aka Soul Code). In June I’ll be running a program where I share more techniques for clearing confusion and doubt so you can embrace If you’re interested in leaning into your Second Wind and reframing what’s possible, click this link and we’ll put you on a notification list!