Why Do We Hesitate To Do The Thing We Love?

Do You Know Your Sacred Why?
We all have one, a “sacred why”. It is actually the thing that motivates us each day – not the job, or the money but the difference we can make.
It struggles to be heard and tries relentlessly to take the lead. It is formidable and tenacious – even when it has been stuffed down and compartmentalized as “it’s too late”, it pushes on.
If you listen carefully and offer it an opportunity to be heard, beautiful things will be revealed.
We will all see you.
(This picture is from the basilica Segrada Familia in Barcelona. This is the way the light filters through the windows naturally. It brought me to tears.)
Self-Esteem is Like a Muscle

Circling Your Own Sun
Icarus flew too close to the sun and melted his wings – perhaps we all suffer from a fear of what happened to him?
We all have dreams and aspirations. Let’s imagine that they are figuratively our Sun. Instead of flying straight into it and transforming old form into new – we circle it – hesitant, wanting guarantees, analyzing what everybody else thinks.
In that time, we melt our wings; crashing back down to earth feeling beaten and ridiculous for even trying.
I see this over and over again. People presumably clear on what they want or where they want to go, but completely unable to make substantive change. They may spend a great deal of time, energy and money on “getting there” only to look up and still be in the same spot.
What can you do?
1. Be aware that struggle is seductive.
It sometimes dresses up as effort. Just because you’ve put forth the effort- emotionally, financially, intellectually – doesn’t mean that you’ve made progress. Warning – unrequited effort will often leave you feeling justified in complaining or blaming which only leaves you in victim-mode and which also keeps the ego in charge. It looks like you’re trying but the ego is maintaining the status quo.
2. Take stock of where you are. But don’t ask how first!
How close to the sun are you? How long have you been circling? Are you flying around the right sun? Or should you be in another solar system? Ask what it is you want, why it is you want it and whether its true for you?. Keep doing that until you can boil the desire down to its bones. The how will reveal itself.
3. Reduce the effort.
Yes, I said do less, not more. Decide that you’re going to stop complaining, blaming, or beating yourself up. The soul doesn’t complain – that’s the ego’s gig. Instead, every time you feel like something is not the way you’d like it to be, you can query yourself on what you’d prefer. [Here’s another tip: often the questions we ask – provide the answer or direction to the answer we need.]
Photo by Luis Graterol on Unsplash
Imagine It!
You must create the possibility, not only in your mind but also in your heart. The idea will not survive without a heartbeat. It will attempt to form as you think or even talk (too much) about it, but like smoke, it cannot hold its form without a container. ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀
In humans, the first thing we can see and hear following the idea of conception is the heartbeat. There is a reason. Your dream or idea or heart’s desire is no different. Give it life. Feel it. Dance with it. Talk to it. Imagine it in full bloom.
What is Your LEGACY?
What is your LEGACY? In my new course Business Design Lab for Women, we explore the legacies carried in our energetic fields. From life lessons to our creative sources. ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀
This picture is from my grandmother and grandfather’s wedding. I have gained from them many blessings which I carry in my energy. My grandmother was a teacher and administrator. My grandfather worked for the post office and ran a successful theater venue in Chicago. I see these “through lines” in my life today. It is a fascinating exploration. ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀
If you want to learn more about my upcoming 6-week course, first, write down this passcode &=!zAj10 (case sensitive). Second, click this webinar link to watch the Intro Webinar replay! ⠀⠀
I Miss Travel
This picture was taken at Milan Central Station.
Anyone who knows me knows I would have been to at least three countries this summer. Travel is the reason I started my other business ZoeGoes. www.zoegoes.com @ZoeGoesOfficial.
Because of shelter in place, I haven’t ventured far from home. The pictures help. ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀
Were you supposed to travel this summer? Where?